Strike free downloads
Strike free downloads

It’s required to keep threats at bay, which may come from terrorist organisations, other nations, and domestic issues. The game focuses on IGI, an organisation formed to ensure protection for the western world. IGI 2: Covert Strike has an engaging storyline. Compared to Counter-Strike: Global Offensive, Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3, and Fortnite Battle Royale, this shooting game has an adaptive playstyle, and allows you to test efficiency with bots or online gamers. Despite the file size, it doesn’t affect system resources, and you won’t experience lags or crashes in other apps installed. The game needs 128 MB of RAM and about 1.5 GB of hard drive disk space. IGI 2 download comes with 19 missions and a range of side missions. Originally released for Windows XP, it’s currently available for multiple versions of the Windows operating system. Developed by Innerloop Studios, the game was published by Codemasters. In this game, the main character is an agent tasked with putting a stop to the gruesome World War III. The number of bots on either team can be increased or decreased, too.IGI 2: Covert Strike is one of the most popular action games for Windows PCs. On the other hand, you can play as a terrorist or counter-terrorist, or select “Auto Assign” if you want the element of surprise. Unfortunately, the game doesn’t include a kevlar and helmet in its buy option. Like CS:GO, you can purchase weapons and lethal or tactical equipment for powering through high-octane gunfights.

Strike free downloads Strike free downloads

There’s also the option to host multiplayer games through LAN (local area network) or a self-hosted server-ideal for playing with your friends and family. It includes Juggernaut Mode, Zombie Mode, and Capture the Flag, in addition to the above-mentioned game modes. Some maps such as Air Battle, Alien Discovery, and Alien Spaceship are available for download, too-so you don’t get bored of playing the same maps.įor multiplayer, you can provide your nickname, password, and email and select between the following servers: Europe, USA, Asia, and Japan.

Strike free downloads Strike free downloads

It features four single-player modes: Classic, Team Deathmatch, Zombie Survival, and Bot Match-all of which you can play on the Azti, pool, dust2, and $2000$ maps. If you’re looking for a non-graphics-intensive FPS game, then Strike Port: Destruction is the right one for you.

Strike free downloads