You wanna tell me why i'm waiting for someone
You wanna tell me why i'm waiting for someone

you wanna tell me why i

"At that time a friend suggested I consider going it alone, but back then it didn’t feel right. Kate, senior marketing manager, from Cheltenham, Gloucestershire, said: “I’d always known I wanted a child of my own - so when I found myself without a suitable partner in my mid-thirties, I had a fertility check to ensure I hadn’t already left it too late. Kate is "loving every minute of parenthood" and said she would "do it all over again". Her little boy, Joshua, was born on June 7, 2023, weighing 6lbs 4oz at Gloucester Royal Hospital, Gloucester. The treatment cost £10k and Kate used her savings to pay for it.

you wanna tell me why i

Try MEN Premium for FREE by clicking here for no ads, fun puzzles and brilliant new features. She underwent her first round of intrauterine insemination (IUI) - where sperm is injected directly into the womb - to conceive in February 2022 and fell pregnant on her fourth round. She contacted Bristol Centre for Reproductive Medicine (BCRM) to find out about trying and have a baby via sperm donor. Kate McElroy, 39, had always wanted to be a mum and decided if she was still single by her 38th birthday she would go it alone. A new mum who didn't want to keep waiting for Mr Right has welcomed a sperm donor baby.

You wanna tell me why i'm waiting for someone